Saturday, February 3, 2007


In the early morning hours of Wednesday, January 31st, 2007, I had a dream where I was involved in World War II.

At times, the dream switched back and forth from being real, to being the filming of a movie about World War II. But for the most part, it was real. The only "movie" part I can recall was an explosion. And several people were blown into the air. I then saw them all land safely on some sort of big blown-up mat.

But other than that part, the rest of the dream was "real." In it, I was in a small town. I don't know how I knew it was World War II. I just did. Well, the Germans were moving in and attacking this town. For some reason, the entire town was surrounded by a big fence. And the Germans were guarding all the exits. So there was literally nowhere to escape. I remember bombs or missiles going off, and hitting some scaffolding on the sides of the buildings. There were hundreds of people on the scaffolding at the time. And once it hit, the scaffolding collapsed on itself. And all the people came tumbling down, presumably to their death.

The bombs and missiles were more like cannonballs. And you could see them coming. At one point, I ducked into some sort or gazebo or something. One of these cannonballs crashed through the window, and I got covered with debris. But I had been running away from where I knew it was going to hit. So I got a bit dirty, but ended up being completely unharmed.

That's pretty much where it ended.

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