Monday, February 26, 2007


I had two dreams last night. The first one involved my old friend Scott Jaklin. In the dream, he was a professional baseball player. His team came to Milwaukee to play the Brewers. I was in the lower grandstands with my dad, and my youngest daughter.

At one point, Scott came close to the stands. I ran down the aisle to say hi to him. I also brought my camcorder. I wanted him to say a few words for my classmate blog. He obliged. Since he was on the visiting team, I told him not to go out and get a hit. However, shortly after we spoke, he did manage to get on base. And he helped his team take a 3-2 lead.

A few innings later, I recall seeing Scott take some practice swings in the on deck circle.

Later on in the game, Miller Park somehow took on some characteristics of old County Stadium. There were some people walking on the scaffolding above our seats. And they floated down some gifts on balloons. I grabbed one, and found a board game for my daughter.

That's where the dream ended.

My second dream was more risque. It involved Pepa from the singing group Salt N Pepa. In the dream, she exposed herself from the waist down, and pointed out the semen that had dried and crusted on her inner thighs. I remember thinking how hairy she was down there. I then questioned her about the semen, because for whatever reason, I knew that in her previous sexual encounter, she ended up swallowing the guy. So no semen should have ever been near her vagina. I should point out that at no point was there ever a thought that I had been the guy she had been with.

That's where that dream ended.

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