Thursday, February 8, 2007


Last night I had three dreams. None of them were that long, at least as far as I can remember. I think there were some additional details. But I can’t recall them. I’m not sure what order they came in. But here they are.

The first dream involved being in school. I don’t know what school I was in. But an old classmate, Joy Holtz, was there with me. She was being very nice to me. For some reason, I didn’t have anything to write on. So she let me have her yellow, spiral notebook. I remember feeling how friendly Joy was being. I think there was more to this dream – more classroom-related stuff. But I can’t remember.

The next dream involved me in a hotel room. Inside, I had two small statues (or decorations of some kind) of both Jesus and the devil. I don’t think I was doing anything Satanic. But nonetheless, at one point, something demonic occurred. I guess the devil statue somehow caused the Jesus statue to go flying across the room. It was like something out of “The Exorcist.”

I decided that I wanted to get this on film. So I put the statue back, and planned to do whatever I had done to facilitate the statue flying off in the first place. I was trying to set up the digital camera. I needed some height though. But instead of using some books or something, I tried stacking the camera on top of several other cameras. Needless to say, I was having great difficulty keeping the stack from tumbling. I even remember thinking to myself that I should get some books. But I didn’t. And that’s pretty much where that dream ended.

My third dream involved my old friend Dave Svatek. For some reason, I was at his house – which was his parents’ house actually. I remember I was really tired when I got there. It was early in the morning. I must have arrived with my parents. Because we were all there for dinner – or perhaps breakfast. When I got there, I was yawning. Dave had his bed set up in the kitchen. And he was very tired too. I believe he had just gotten up. He was also yawning. I briefly saw Dave’s dad wander from the kitchen to the living room. Once he left, Dave’s new kitten showed up. It was an orange tabby. The kitten jumped from the bed, into the kitchen cupboards. It then made its way through the cupboards, weaving in and out between the dishes and the glasses.

The last thing I recall is walking into the living room – where the table was set up. I had already eaten a piece of pepper cheese. But I reached and grabbed one more piece. Dave sort of looked at me as if to chide me for eating so much, as there were only a few pieces left. But he didn’t say anything.

That’s where the dream ended.

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