Sunday, February 4, 2007


Last night I had a couple of dreams. I don't recall which order they came happened though.

One dream involved our old house in Port Washington, which we are currently in the process of selling. We have an accepted offer. Anyway, my wife and I were driving by the house. I noticed something looked strange about it. Apparently she didn't. So I told her to turn around and drive by again. As we approached it, I said, "Look at the deck." We don't have a deck on the house. So I figured the would-be new owner had already done some work on the place. But no, when we drove by, we noticed that almost the entire house was gone. There was a pool of water standing in a portion of the foundation. I wasn't alarmed though. I knew we had an accepted offer. So the fact that the house had been leveled didn't bother me.

The next dream I had, I found myself riding a bike. Again, my wife was with me. We were riding down the interstate, when suddenly traffic stopped. It turned out there was a bit of flooding on the road. So the cops were rerouting the cars around the water. Once we got past, we stopped about a half-mile up the road, near a wooded area. We did this because my wife thought she saw our cat, Jake.

I stopped and grabbed the orange tabby. But it seemed too small to be Jake. Plus, because it was apparently a baby, it still had its frog legs. Yes, the baby cat was kind of a half-cat/half-frog combination. I looked at the cats claws, knowing that the real Jake lost a claw this past summer, and is just now growing it back. This cat/frog had all its claws. So I knew it wasn't Jake. Then we saw a second cat/frog in the woods. That too wasn't Jake. So it was time to go. I pointed out to her that the cops behind us must have closed down the road from the flooding, because no cars had passed us in several minutes. So we got back on the bike and went forward.

The next thing I recall, she and I were talking about the layout of our first apartment together. Neither one of us could recall what the bathroom looked like. The rest of the apartment we pretty much described accurately - except for the fact that what we were describing was not the first apartment we had in real life.

The next thing I know, we're in a different apartment - or possibly a house. I was getting ready to go to school. So I left, taking my bike again. I'm not sure how far I actually rode. But it was either raining, or the roads were wet. And I ended up getting muddy. Not wanting to go to school dirty, I turned around and went home. I found my wife and her mom hanging out at home. I told them I needed to change my clothes. But I couldn't find anything to wear. So then I decided that I was just going to stay home. The next thing I know, I'm laying on my bed, talking to my friend Meff on the phone. I told him I was ditching school that day. He seemed surprised and impressed.

That's where my dream came to an end.

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